APSC (www.apsc.nic.in) Recrutment 2017-2018
APSC (Assam Public Service Commission) issue recruitment notices in Assam (State of India) for various posts. Candidates from districts like Nagoan, Tinsukia, Jorhat etc may apply for the below posts. APSC (Assam Public Servic Commission) came into effect in the year 1937 on 1st April. The PSC of Assam have been created the Constitution of India. The official website of APSC is www.apsc.nic.in
Notes - APSC (www.apsc.nic.in)
Candidates who wish to apply for the APSC must go through the official advertisment from the below gievn link before applying. He/she may also bookmark this page for future updates. Also may subscribe using the below bell
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